The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane
Real Conversations about things that Matter
All things life and health - physical health, nutrition, mindset, mental health, connection plus society and culture with Fiona Kane, experienced and qualified Nutritionist, Holistic Counsellor and Mind Body Eating Coach
Frank discussions about how to achieve physical and mental well being.
I talk about all things wellness including nutrition, exercise, physical and mental health, relationships, connections, grief, success and failure and much more.
Some episodes are my expertise as a nutritionist and holistic counsellor and some are me chatting to other experts or people with interesting health or life stories. My goal is to give you practical and useful info to improve your health and tidbits that you may find inspiring and that may start discussions within your circle of friend/family.
The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane
Episode 87 Listening to Your Body: Uncovering the Wisdom Within for Abundant Living
There are many pieces of the puzzle to health, wealth and meaningful connections. In today's episode with my guest Karina Hogan, we discuss one vital piece is our ability to connect to our body's innate wisdom and learn to listen and decipher its messages. Our body has an amazing ability to heal itself; if we can give it what it needs, and stop harming it.
We need to become great listeners, to lean into the nudges our body gives us in the way of symptoms, and signals and learn to partner with it, instead of blaming it or making it wrong for letting us down. Learning to listen has been a lifelong lesson for Karina who at 59 years young, only feels like she starting to wrap her head around this.
It's taken many years of ill health, dis-ease to get there, but boy it's been worth the journey. If you're feeling hopeless, know there are solutions you just have to be open to hearing them. And after many years of ill health and trying so many different things, we get it. It's hard to put yourself out there again, because if, this too doesn't work? But what if it does? What if this conversation is a major piece of the puzzle that you've been missing.......until now!
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Credit for the music used in this podcast:
The Beat of Nature
Hello and welcome to the Wellness Connection Podcast with Fiona Cain. I'm your host, Fiona Cain, and I have another guest today and we're going to be talking about why listening to your body is the key to your success in life and business. So my guest today is Karina Hogan. Hi, Karina.
Karina Hogan:Hi Fi, Is it okay if I call you Fi and be that informal?
Fiona Kane:That's fine. That's fine. We've known each other for a long time now. I'm not quite sure exactly how long, but About 2010,.
Karina Hogan:I reckon.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, yeah. So that's about 14 years since we haven't seen each other for a long time, but we met all those years ago and we've sort of stayed in connection.
Karina Hogan:So for those of you who don't know, you tell us a little bit about yourself so, for those of you who don't know you, uh, tell us a little bit about yourself, okay?
Karina Hogan:So, um, I am 59 years young, or 59 laps on the planet, however. You know you want to do that 59 times around the sun, that sort of stuff, because people don't like saying I'm 59 years old. So, um, I'm, um, I'm a wife, I'm a mother, I'm a nanny of three amazing grandkids, and anytime you want me to talk, fee, just ask me to talk about the grandkids so I can do that. I run my own business and I run it pretty much to suit my lifestyle, because that's what I'm about. I'm about how do I create a lifestyle that I love? Because, to me, if you can generate income doing what you love, then why the frick not? You get to hang with cool people. You make, you know, really nice connections. Um, I mix business and pleasure all the time. I do business with friends because I think, why wouldn't you hang out with people that you love? So to me, it doesn't make sense not to um, yes, I've been a. I'm a fully qualified, uh, life and business coach. I've been coaching since 2007. Uh, you can do the maths on that we're 2024.
Karina Hogan:Um, I, I, I guess I'm a quite an entrepreneur. I love trying different things, you know, I like variety, I like challenge, I like adventure. So I think nature and the outdoors is probably the outdoor university for me. I never went to university, didn't really interest me that much, but I have done a lot of courses and a lot of trainings over the years, hence why we met when we were doing one back in like 2010 to 2012 or something like that, because growth is in my top three values. It's. I love it, you know, and I love connection, like connection is so important to me. So to me, everything's connected and it all comes back me. So to me, everything's connected and it all comes back.
Karina Hogan:So, um, so you know what I, what I, what I love to do is empower people. I love to nurture people, I love to give them strategies and skills to um, to create that lifestyle that's right for them, and it's going to look different. What your lifestyle is going to look different to my lifestyle. You know, you and you and hubby greg, me and my hubby, you know my hubby's retired now, but I'm still um working, you know, and three days a week, so it's around. It's about what's right for me, you know, and what lights me up. So that's why, um, I've discovered over the years that we have this internal guidance system that actually empowers us to live a better life, a more informed life, a more connected life, and that's where the listening to your body, you know, has been really key for me, um, to regain my health, which I'll go into and establish, um, an abundant life, like to create an abundant life, because that's actually how we're designed to be. We're actually designed to live in abundance, not lack. And, yeah, that journey to get you know that place, and we're just saying off camera, before I, last year, I was in my business, I knew that there was a shift and a change.
Karina Hogan:So every time I change, my business evolves, every time I change and I grow and I learn something new. Number one, I want to share that with other people. But number two, I and the other thing is I get bored. I don't know about you, but I like variety, so I get bored doing the same thing, talking about the same thing. So I'm always growing, learning, evolving, and in that I came across this piece of the puzzle, which was it was funny I was sitting in a um, I was taking some time out.
Karina Hogan:I was in Bendigo visiting my son, and I was having a coffee in a like I can still remember where it was. I was having a coffee in a I can still remember where it was. I was having a coffee in this arcade and I had the most beautiful chai tea I think it was a prana chai or something. It was fabulous. And I was just sitting out in nature like under these really cool trees big, massive trees, I don't know what they were, but and and I was drinking my tea and I was just sitting there pondering, as I often do, and I sort of got this and I can't remember how it came about, but it was like it was a huge epiphany around.
Karina Hogan:We have this innate wisdom that resides within us, that communicates with us about our body and how to do life and how we can do it differently. That communicates with us about our body and how to do life and how we can do it differently. And, looking back over the years, and how I've connected into my body and the journey that I went on for my health and wellness, the more connected and the more I tuned and listened to my body and how it reacted or responded to things depended on the level of health and well-being that I had versus what I didn't. And it was like, oh my god, if I listen to this, then I'm going to be on track and I'm going to be in tune and I'm going to be connected to this amazing source of wisdom. And I like to tweak with words and play with words.
Karina Hogan:So I remember sitting there going okay, so it's an innate wisdom, yes, and I've heard other people talk about this, but it was like, oh my freaking God, it was one of those aha moments that just strike you to the core of your being and causes a bit of a seismic shift. And I was like but I don't want to call it like innate wisdom, that's a bit boring and I remembered a ski trip. I went to New Zealand with my dad back in the 90s and we were skiing powder snow which we don't get a lot of in Australia for the people that don't know and aren't skiers and Dad suggested we hire a mountain guide for the day, which we did, and this guide was really cool and he took us on to like secret little spots on the mountain and he had a buddy who was actually skiing in an extreme skiing competition. These are the guys that ski off cliffs, do somersaults, do everything weird and dangerous, jump out of helicopters and that sort of thing.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, like the people who jump out of helicopters and that sort of thing, yeah, but they were doing it all the time I've been to. Queenstown in New Zealand. They like to do lots of dangerous things. I know I was watching them do was watching them jumping off that bridge there too I'm happy, just to watch I know I'm a bit like oh, I won't ever go at that.
Karina Hogan:And so this guy wanted to, um, watch his mate. So he skied us down to this area, this vantage point. That was off-piste, which means not on the basic groomed ski run, so he could actually watch his buddy. However, I was only an intimate skier. My dad was a better skier than me and I looked down and we had to ski down this chute which was like a narrow corridor and it had, like these these big, massive boulders scattered and it was a little bit icy and I'm like you want us to ski down there to get to there? I think you're crazy. And he goes it's okay, karina, just look at me, and all you have to do is one turn at a time, ski where I ski and just follow it. And I'm like I'm pretty much into self-preservation, but I like a bit of risk and I'm looking at this going and we'd done a bit of skiing by this stage.
Karina Hogan:So the guy had assessed whether we were, you know, up for it or not, and so I sort of went in my head, I sort of did a quick assessment and I sort of went. Well, he wouldn't be asking us to do it. If he didn't think we could do it, maybe I should just trust him and follow the guide. So I went okay, and when you ski and you're on an incline, you have to commit. There's no, you can't hang back, because if you hang back you actually lose control over your skis. So you commit, you commit, you're in. So I went okay, I'm in, and I did it and I skied down. And then I looked back to where I came and went. That's amazing, like I was so wrapped. But what I learnt was my innate wisdom within me. I now call my internal ski guide.
Fiona Kane:So I listen to it.
Karina Hogan:I'll follow it. It's often just one turn at a time. Try this, do that course correct if you need to. So I tell you all that, to tell you that listening to that internal ski guide is really important for your health and wellbeing, because sometimes when you sleep you can die.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, so yeah, well, my ski story isn't quite as good as that one. My ski story involves me sort of trying to ski down this well, I'd call it a mountain, but other people would probably call it a little tiny hill and not being able to do it and losing control and going halfway down on my like, laying down halfway down on my backside, eventually coming to a stop sort of halfway down the mountain, sitting there crying, saying get me out of here. And my husband came up to me and said listen, there's only two ways you're going to get off this mountain. You're either going to ski down or you're going to take. If you ski off, you're going to walk down. Which is it? I'm going to walk down.
Fiona Kane:And then I went down. I walked down and I booked in for a skiing lesson the next day. I did a bit of a lesson. I had already done one. I did a bit more of a lesson and the guy who was giving me the lesson actually said I think you should maybe go and sit in the cafe and have a hot chocolate. I think you've had enough for today. And uh, that was my sort of little confirmation for me that my ski career was over. I was the person who was falling over and knocking over all the little children and little children, all standing looking at you. Then I was like I was.
Fiona Kane:I was falling and heading towards them and kind of going move, move, move, because I couldn't stop myself, because I was flying across the ice. Anyway, my ski story isn't as good as yours. I didn't get the um.
Karina Hogan:Some of us are built, but we call it apres ski. That sit, sit in the place, drink the hot chocolate, drink the wine, whatever you know, and watch the others ski past. It's always nice.
Fiona Kane:Yes, yes.
Karina Hogan:I'm that person now. So if Greg's the skier, you're the apres skier. So it's balance. See, it's all about balance.
Fiona Kane:You know Exactly, I can handle that Inside nice and warm, just you know, I can do that, I can do that bit really really well.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, I'm up for that, and to me it's all about checking in with your capacity, you know. So it's in one of the courses that I did to actually get my health back on track, because I want to tell a little bit about how sick I actually was. So people actually get where I am today, how miraculous that is, and I know you have a very cool story about your ill health journey as well and hence why you're in what you're in in your profession. But I, back in when was it? 2012,? I had a whole series of events happen in 12 months that were huge stress events Like on the.
Karina Hogan:I remember going and getting some coaching with a mutual friend of ours at the time because I couldn't kickstart the year, I couldn't get myself into gear come 2012. I just had no mojo whatsoever and I didn't know what was going on. And I was talking to my friend and they said so what's been going on in your life? And I went. Well, my dad died. We actually had one of our favourite dogs die. My son was in a relationship and that broke up. I can't remember all the things, but there was like I had a couple of clients actually just ghost me like we were getting amazing results and they just cut me off and did not communicate why and what they were doing.
Karina Hogan:So I had all these major stress events, um, and grief, like really big amounts of grief going through, and when dad died in 2011, it was was now both my parents were dead, so my mum and my dad had died and I'm sorry if this is upsetting bringing up stuff. So it was the end of mum and dad. There was no one to ring to talk to or go and have a couple with where I could go remind me about mum, because mum died back in 94. And I thought I was okay because I, you know, lived through mum dying and I was okay. And so I was sort of around that and mum and dad both died suddenly, but years apart, and I was like, oh no, no, I got this, I know what to expect, but it was nothing like I expected because it was dad dying, plus there was an end of mom and dad. So like part of me felt I feel like a freaking orphan now.
Karina Hogan:It was weird and then, yeah, I just my, my tank was just in zero. You know I'd give and I'd given and given and given and given. I just my tank was just in zero. You know I'd given and given and given and given. I just kept going and I freaking the words you said before this call it was I was soldiering on, because I'd learned to soldier on. That's what I was taught. You know, that was ingrained in me growing up to soldier on. If stuff happens, you be resilient, you get up on your feet and you keep going. You know, if you muck up, you own it, if you do stuff, you just keep going. And as a society and I think especially women we are told to soldier on. You know like there's even an ad around cod drool, flu tablets or whatever. Don't stop and listen.
Fiona Kane:Do they still do that since COVID? I don't know if they still do that. Are they doing it again? Because I noticed it stopped around COVID because they didn't want people soldiering on, they didn't want people coming to work.
Karina Hogan:Then Up until then it was always the message those ads. I don't watch commercial television, so I wouldn't have a clue.
Fiona Kane:Right up until then it was the message, and so I wouldn't have a clue. Right up until then it was the message and I used to talk about the same thing, but I don't know if they've started them again or what they've done since then. Yeah, it changed when suddenly they didn't want you to come to work.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, funny about that. But yeah, you're right, Stay home if you're sick.
Fiona Kane:The message yeah, yeah, I know, yeah, yeah, exactly Exactly.
Karina Hogan:But the whole COVID thing came in a little bit with the whole, because to me I was thinking as a kid when we grew up if you got sick and you got a cold and stuff like that, you stayed home and you rested, you didn't go out in the public and you know, contaminate everyone and exhaust yourself when you actually needed to stay home, drink fluids and rest so your body could actually regenerate.
Fiona Kane:Yeah.
Karina Hogan:But and so, yeah, all that thing just did my head in a little bit to thinking, um, yeah, do all that, but that's a whole other conversation. Um, so, yeah, so, uh. So what happened 2012? Um, and so I actually decided, uh, with my coach at the time, to actually take a sabbatical, to take three months off to try and regroup, you know, and deal with all this emotional stuff that I had to go through, and I realised I'd actually been soldiering on. I realised that that's when I actually got introduced to Brene Brown and her amazing TED talk on vulnerability. It was around learning to be vulnerable and to ask for help, because I was shy at asking for help.
Karina Hogan:I was very good at soldiering on and doing it all independently. I was a very strong, independent woman. You know like, I travelled the country on my own, I did stuff on my own, I sorted it. I was, however, having lived that adrenalised life from a teenager and all this stress event that my body couldn't handle and didn't know what to do with. It fell apart, and I'd had a lot of signals over those years to slow down, to stop to do this and to do that, and I call them the feather approach. So my body's going. No, you actually need a little bit of time out. Actually, you need to have a little bit of rest. Actually, you need to take more than a month off. When your dad died, you need to take, you know, a substantial amount of time. However, I didn't listen to any of those little signals that my body was giving me, because our body is amazing, it'll go. It's funny.
Karina Hogan:I was on a Zoom call earlier today with an amazing community I've connected with and we were talking about exactly this same thing, and one of the ladies on the call was saying I said you will know the signals that your body gives you when you're stressed. And I asked her to replay what they were. And she said I get a headache. And I went excellent. I said, yes, but what happens before you get a headache? And she goes oh, I get a stiff neck, all the muscles in my neck get stiff. And I said and what happens before that? And she said oh, my head's, just stuff's going around in my head. And I said and what happens before that? And so we went backwards. You know, and all those little signals that her body was giving her, she was ignoring until she got a headache.
Fiona Kane:Yes.
Karina Hogan:Which is the body doing the brick thing instead of the feather thing. You know it's like hang on, you need to drink a little bit more water. Hang on, you need to do a bit of a brain dump and write down all those things that are stressing you out, just to get them out of your head, and actually you just need to take. I call them the whispers, the whispers.
Fiona Kane:You call them the feathers, I call them the whispers. I say your body whispers and it whispers. It gets a bit louder, it gets a bit louder it starts shouting at you.
Karina Hogan:And then, if you don't listen, your body actually takes you out because it has the long game in its sights. You know it's like you're not going to listen, you're not going to come on, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me not listening, not listening, not listening, whack. And that's what happened to me. So about June 2012, I got hit with I actually went and had a root canal. Three weeks later I got hit and had a root canal. Three weeks later, I got hit and the root canal was really traumatic. Like I remember sitting in the cafe afterwards because I had to go out of town for it and I had a root canal. And I remember sitting in the cafe waiting for a friend to meet me and I was just sitting there and I was going God, I feel weird. And there was this whole shakiness, this whole disconnection thing, this whole traumatized, and I was just sitting there going what am I feeling? What am I feeling? And I went oh my God, this is actually shock. I was listening, listening, I was feeling all the symptoms of shock. So the experience of the root canal put my traumatized my body and I was actually in a shock state, so it had shut down and that's what I was feeling and it was weird and I'm like, wow, that's interesting. And three weeks later all these symptoms started in my body of it was a whole combination of symptoms of runny bowels. Western society call it ulcerative colitis. To me I just call it and they call it an autoimmune condition. I just say it's a whole collection of symptoms of stress where my body had had enough and wanted to get my attention and I wasn't listening and it started me down a journey of unwellness and really sick, like I just all sorts of foods that I normally could eat just inflamed my guts. I got like runny bum. I ended up with I don't don't know.
Karina Hogan:As a nutritionalist, I know how detailed you get into talking about stuff, but I could not control my bowels. You know I actually cracked my pants in public multiple times because I couldn't hold on. My life became so small and that everywhere I go I needed to know where a toilet was and it put me in a fear state which just added to the stress, lowered my vibration and, for someone who had lived a life of such independence, I ended up in bed for months. I remember lying in bed and my body was just wasting away because it couldn't absorb the nutrients from the food. My body shut down so much and it was just this huge stress response and you know, I did all the things like.
Karina Hogan:I went to see eventually sorry, I took me about six months, I think, to go to a GP. And I went to see eventually sorry, it took me about six months, I think, to go to a GP. And I went to the GP after I started passing blood and I was thinking, you know that fear factor of not wanting to know what's going on versus needing to know what's going on. I had a lovely friend.
Karina Hogan:I remember the first time I confessed that to a girlfriend and she was so supportive and she said look, you're better off to go and get help and see a GP, because I was trying to do it all naturally and I wasn't getting any traction, you know. And I ended up going to see a GP and I found an amazing GP that actually listened to me and would work with me and that started me on a whole. So I guess you know, because we're talking about the piece of the puzzle, that about taking responsibility for your health, so that one decision to go. Okay, I need a starting point. So to go and see a GP to get some help, to get some diagnosis, to do some bloods and all that sort of stuff, to figure out what's going on, because at this stage I had no clue what was going on.
Fiona Kane:And that's important what you just said. You need the starting point right, because sometimes we try and pretend it's not happening, or we don't want to know what's happening, or we think that we want to do things naturally or whatever, and that's all great, but sometimes you actually just need to know what you're working with in the first place.
Fiona Kane:Yeah so at least you need to know. What is it Like you can't sort of I think Eckhart Tolle talks about sort of. You know you can't change something until you acknowledge where you are. But to acknowledge where you are, you need information, don't you? Yeah, knowledge where you are, you need to. You need information, don't you? So you know whether or not you do natural this or that or a combination. That's all great, well and good, but first you actually need to know what you're dealing with, don't you?
Karina Hogan:yeah, absolutely, and I needed that starting point, I needed a kickoff point and it was key to okay. So this is what's going on. And soon as I got my power back by going to the appointment, it's really interesting, you know, and as much as I have a belief around and at the time and this was key to my wellbeing is I've always had a belief as long as I can remember, that if I can give my body what it needs, it can heal itself. And if I can stop doing what's harming it, then it can heal itself. But if I continue to do the stuff that is, you know, there's only so much you can do. But you've got to stop the harming to do the healing, you know.
Karina Hogan:Well, that's quite good, I might write that down. You've got to stop the harming to do the healing. Quite good, I might write that down. You've got to stop the harming to do the healing, yeah. So I was looking for solutions and to me, western medicine did not have a solution. They said to me okay, we'll put you on this medication and you'll be on this medication for life, and I went in my head.
Karina Hogan:I remember thinking at the time uh-huh, no, my body just went. Okay, that's what you believe. But I don't believe that because I don't believe that I'm designed to be on medication for life. I believe in emergency medicine, you know. I believe in things to deal with massive amounts of inflammation where you know, like you take some prednisolone and that'll have a. Whatever response, you know, or you find other thing that will you. You need like triage. If you're bleeding out, you don't stick a band-aid on it, put a freaking tourniquet on it.
Fiona Kane:You know you apply pressure yeah, I'm not going to the homeopath when I'm in the car accident, but uh, I'm going to go to the emergency. So everything has its place. And also, too, I mean, we're talking about your journey. People have all different journeys and different things work for different people, so it's not one size fits all. This is just your journey and it's you know. You know who you are and, like you were talking about, as you're talking now, you're talking about connecting. You're talking now. You're talking about connecting with your gut and kind of interesting connecting with your gut when it's your gut that was affected by this.
Karina Hogan:But anyway, I know it's hilarious, isn't it? Yeah, and it was that. It was that tuning in to what's my body telling me. You know, because I remember sitting in like specialist's office and they'd say okay.
Karina Hogan:so we want you to like when I got really, really bad because I was losing weight and they were putting me on medications that dealt with the symptoms but didn't get to the root cause, which was great because, you know, as soon as I stopped, I'd get periods of wellness, but because we weren't dealing with the cause, I would relapse again, and this went on from like 2012 to about 2020 to 2022.
Fiona Kane:That's a long time.
Karina Hogan:It's a long time. I lost 26% of my body weight. I was down to like 50 kilos. I worried everyone around me. But the funny thing in all of that unwellness the things that I learned I would not give up, like the gifts in it was I learned to listen to my body and get really in tune because my brain shut down in a lot of ways. I had so much brain fog I could not come up with sentences to talk. It would take me like sometimes half an hour to put together a sentence. It was really debilitating. It made me feel really vulnerable and helpless. But in all of that I had a hope. If I can find what my body needs, can heal itself. So that one belief was my touchstone um for finding and coming into wealth and in abundance of wealth. So, like at 59, like last week, I was climbing the pinnacle walk in Halls Gap in the Grampians, which is a two-hour walk uphill, and I got to the top and I went. I cried because it was such that was what I used to lay in bed.
Karina Hogan:Visualizing. That was one of the things I started meditating when I was really, really sick and I'd visualize walking on the beach with the dog, even though I couldn't do it. I'd visualize going skiing on certain mountains, even though I couldn't do it. I'd visualise going skiing on certain mountains, even though I couldn't do it, I'd visualise, you know, being out in nature and doing all the stuff. So all the pieces of the puzzle that I needed, you know, and it was listening to, about what I can do here and what I can do there. And like, to me, wellness is not just one piece, it's not just nutrition, it's not just meditation, it's not just exercise. It is that and so much more. It is about having a mindset of it, is about having a belief. Like I have dibs on a hundred, I want to live to over a hundred. Now I've actually come in contact with some technology that I can see myself living longer than the 100 I actually had dibs on.
Karina Hogan:So, even though when I was really sick, I didn't give up hope because I knew, number one, that there was stuff for me to do on the planet and, number two, I had that belief that if I can give my body what it needs, it'll heal itself. So that learning to listen to my body in decision making. I used that when I had a friend reach out, another mutual colleague who was a naturopath and offered support, so I went down the naturopath road for multiple years said that wasn't the answer for me. I tried a whole lot of stuff, but the biggest thing and the biggest breakthrough came when I got to the root cause. And the root cause was that 2017 and it was stress. So I had all this what do they call it trapped traumatic stress in my body from incidents and stuff all over the years from like 2017, 2018.
Karina Hogan:I actually signed up to do a course by Irene Lyon, who's a nervous system regulation expert, and she took I did a was like a 12 week course and I learned so much about how to regulate your nervous system because your nervous system dictates every other. It drives every other system in your body. Your nervous system dictates every other. It drives every other system in your body. Yes, and all the strategies and the tips. It all gets you tuned into listening to your body.
Karina Hogan:And do I have capacity for this?
Karina Hogan:You know it's funny. I was talking to a girlfriend just before this call and I was around there and she's actually had breast cancer and been going through chemo and I was saying that I've come across this revelation just like literally two weeks ago, about how, when we as healers because I consider myself a healer, as I know you consider yourself a healer when we support other. You consider yourself a healer when we support other people, if we give to them from our cup and we try and feed ourselves from our cup and we give to everybody else's cup, like the grandkids. And I help out the kids and I work with clients and I work with my new tribe and I do that. If I continually give from my cup and I give more than what's in my cup, it's going to empty. However, if I let my cup get full and I know how to fill my cup and then I keep filling my cup until it overflows and then I give from the overflow, not from my cup, then I will never have an empty cup.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, it's taken me all this time to fill, figure that one out. And now I figured that one out. That's the new piece in the puzzle for my business. For the next thing, moving forward yes because it's like the airplane.
Fiona Kane:Sorry, say that I was just saying, like the airplane where they tell you to put your mask on the oxygen mask on first before you put it to your children or whoever you're with. I've just built my cup, so that's great um, that's right, we'll do a pause for a moment let's do a pause for a moment yep, we back. We've cleaned up the spill, it's all okay.
Karina Hogan:We'll survive. No keyboards were harmed in the filming of this podcast.
Fiona Kane:I told you, last time I did a spill, I did it over my power board. I don't recommend that, by the way.
Karina Hogan:No, Don't do that, Wouldn't recommend that at all, Fee, unless you know it's a pretty shocking experience, but there's a dad joke right there.
Fiona Kane:So, yeah, we were talking about all of the different strategies that you had tried to help with your health. We were talking about learning to listen to your body and how important it was that you sort of started listening to your body. So we were sort of in that general vicinity somewhere, and that's what I would like to know a little bit more. So what we did talk about, we started talking about and you and I talked about previously, was it's really important for us to get the message to people that there's not necessarily always one answer. Sometimes it's really important for us to get the message to people that there's not necessarily always one answer. Sometimes it is a puzzle. It's about putting the puzzle together.
Fiona Kane:Now, sometimes you can do or try all different therapies.
Fiona Kane:You could go to the naturopath or the homeopath or this or that.
Fiona Kane:Whatever you do, sometimes it doesn't obviously work, but sometimes it's part of the puzzle or it gives you a foundational layer for the next thing or whatever it is. So there's just different ways of looking at it, and what I would really like to uh, the message I would like to get across to anyone who's listening or watching is. Don't be discouraged when, like, the first thing you do or even the second thing you do doesn't seem to have worked. It's not as always as simple, as that's rarely as simple as that that these things are sort of they're layer upon layer or bits of the puzzle. And if you and the big thing that you were saying that I think is really relevant is that you kind of had this mindset about if you give your body what it needs, it can heal, and you were kind of imagining you're sort of climbing up the mountain or skiing or whatever it was, so you know, maybe just talk a little bit more about that healing journey and the things that you found that have worked for you over time.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, cool. So I remember when the first time like the value of supplements. I remember using magnesium one time when I injured my neck and back in, I think it was like 2005. And I went to see my doctor, I went to the chiro, all sorts of stuff and at this period in my life I was actually at a really stressful time in my life. It's hilarious now that I think about it.
Karina Hogan:And I remember going to the doctor and her prescribing me for the first time something like I don't even know the name of it, tremel or something like that and not understanding that it like the classification of the drug. You know that it was a really strong pain medication but it didn't even take the edge off. And I remember going into the local health food shop and talking to the lady in there and I don't, I can't even remember how this happened but she said have you thought about taking magnesium? And I went, no, what does that do you know? I didn't know anything about supplements back then and, oh my god, she gave me some magnesium. I took it home and I took it. That night was the first sleep that I actually like, decent sleep that I'd got in weeks, and you're really blurry my end at the moment too. Fee, just so you know.
Fiona Kane:Um, yeah, you are as well, but that's all right. We can hear each other and it's recording and it'll be fine.
Karina Hogan:And so that was like a piece of the puzzle. And, like now, I actually take like liquid magnesium in my water every day. That's one piece of the puzzle, you know. It helps with pooping regularly for me. It helps with muscle. You know all sorts of amazing things, so one piece of the puzzle with muscle. You know all sorts of amazing things, so one piece of the puzzle.
Karina Hogan:So back in when I was crook once I started doing that nervous system it was Irene Lyon. The course that I did was called Smart Body, smart Mind. It was actually learning to rewire my nervous system. So I don't know if people know anything about nervous system regulation, but basically our nervous system wires, it learns, like it's put together based on our primary caregiver as a baby.
Karina Hogan:And even if when you're in utero your mum was stressed out about stuff or she was just one of those nervy people, then you will come out as an anxious child because your nervous system is being painted like, blueprinted off her and then in her care or whoever's your primary caregiver if they're a chilled, laid back person you will grow up with your nervous system regulating correctly, you know, or resourcely or healthily, versus like my mum was quite an anxious person and and the environment that I grew up in was very, let's just say it felt like like if you did the wrong thing, you got in trouble and there was corporal punishment, so there was consequences.
Karina Hogan:And I grew up in a very adrenalized environment and my natural energy type is I'm a push, push drive person. So you combine that with my natural energy type and I got into this. You know, I have to go, go, go, go go, you know, and that adrenalizes your body and your body actually isn't designed to run and operate in adrenaline all the time, because it releases, is it cortisol and stuff into your gut and that's. Can you explain some of that a little bit?
Fiona Kane:yeah, yeah.
Fiona Kane:So basically, you put your body into this.
Fiona Kane:It was called fight, flight, and when you're in fight and flight, you don't have any circulation go to your digestive system or to your sexual reproductive organs, which is why we often end up with digestive symptoms and or fertility or sexual function issues as well.
Fiona Kane:So you get no circulation there. All of your blood flow goes to your heart and and to your arms and legs so that you can run faster, because your fight or flight, you're running from the bear or you're fighting the bear, and so your body is in this mode of survival. So, essentially, if your body thinks that you're about to become lunch, it does not matter if you digest lunch right. So your body is keeping you and what it does is you release cortisol cortisol, which is a stress hormone, and you also dump a whole bunch of glucose into your system so that you can run and jump and whatever you need to do. Uh, and so that's one of the reasons why it can end up sort of being problematic for people that they start, you know, putting on weight or developing type 2 diabetes or those sorts of issues blood sugar dysregulation issues.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, yeah so you're dumping that glucose into your system and if you literally are running from a bear, that's fine, you're going to use that glucose. But if you're kind of, you know, yes, so, um, so, yeah, and that you're right that that's what happens to, and I, my mother, had sort of a fairly severe anxiety disorder as well and um, and interestingly, you know, when I tell people what happened, when we first got on this call, before we actually started recording, you recognised sort of my energy, like oh my God, you're really anxious, what's going on. And I'd told you that I had recognised it earlier in the day. I was like, oh God, I even named it in one of the meetings I was in, that I'm really anxious at the moment and even though I teach this stuff, it didn't occur to me to actually do anything about it. I just like soldered on next thing, next call, next thing, next thing, next thing. I got on with you and you were kind of like I'm not having any of that.
Karina Hogan:I don't like that. It's a journey and it's the. There's so many pieces to the puzzle and while we're focusing on, we might be focusing on um, nervous system regulation. I'm doing that. Course. We forget about this thing that we learn over here because the conscious brain can only hang on to like between five and nine pieces of information at a time.
Karina Hogan:So if you're taking your supplements, you're doing your exercise. You a time. So if you're taking your supplements, you're doing your exercise. You've got your morning routine. You're doing your meditation. For me. I do patches, which I'd love to give people a bit of information about. I use a Healy, which is a frequency device. I regularly exercise. I do my yoga. You're going to forget some stuff. You're going to forget that. Oh, journaling's a really cool tool. You know you're gonna forget, and that's okay, and that's why I'm huge on surrounding myself with people that will hold me accountable. It was like my buddy that just got right in my face and said Karina, I think you need to go see the GP, you know so that was part of me getting my power back by taking responsibility for my health.
Karina Hogan:So I tried all these things. So I tried the gp. They didn't give me solutions. So the key to I noticed within doing this, starting the exercises in this step-by-step program. Um. So thank you, irene lion, who, if you are having any challenges around that and you caught yourself in fight-flight Irene Lyon, if you want the educational components, she is huge. She does an amazing course. I think she runs it twice a year now and it's called Smart Body, smart Mind. So look that up if that's speaking to you. Within days, I noticed a change. My diarrhoea stopped. It was huge right. And as soon as I started to get results, I stopped doing the course. I know hilarious.
Karina Hogan:Corina didn't quite get the message that time of realizing how important it was. So the thing about her course back then was, once you subscribe, you could rejoin and do the course every year after that if it was. So the thing about her course back then was, once you subscribe, you could rejoin and do the course every year after that if you wanted. So it has a great alumni component. So that was another piece of the puzzle. Yes, the other thing that I came across was, at this time I could get like six months, sometimes 12 months, of symptom free, right, but then I'd lapse back because I didn't have the strategies in place as daily habits, which is what was key. Yes, so for anyone that's tried a lot of things and given up hope or so close to giving up hope, I just want to say don't, because there are answers out there and everybody's body is bio, individual. What's going to work for me? 100 might work for you 50, but that's 50. So do that, you know. And meditation, like that grounding exercise we did. They are great for bringing you into your body and connecting you to your body and um, and do you want me to share that? Yeah, sure.
Karina Hogan:So at the start of the call, when Fi was a little bit stressed out because she'd been under the pump all day and forgetting and that's how I just reminded her because she's a mate, just to go hey, hang on a minute. Can we just shut our eyes? Can we just take a breath? Can we just feel our feet on the floor? Can we feel our hands? I like to put my hands on my knees and just play with my fingers on my knee, because it brings me right into my body. It takes me out of my head. My energy just drops into my body.
Karina Hogan:And if I just breathe so I don't talk at a million miles an hour because I get so excited, because I'm passionate about empowering people and I just notice the breath go through my nostrils, because I get so excited, because I'm passionate about empowering people, and I just notice the breath go through my nostrils, my chest expand and I like to do big belly breaths and draw up the energy. I like my feet, so I need to drop a chair. If I put my feet flat on the ground, I can draw the energy, connect to the energy of the earth, and I know for some people that's going to sound a bit woo-woo, but just go with it. What's the worst thing that could happen? And as your whole nervous system just starts to come back online and stop running from the bear and you drop into your heart, you become more heart-centered, you become more empathetic and feel free to do that as many times as you like a day.
Karina Hogan:You'll never wear it out and it's a really cool thing. And I'm going to come up a little bit because I don't like feeling that low. This is a little exercise that I do whenever I feel like I need it, and I'll go outside and I'll literally lay on the grass, because we are energetic beings and when I lay on the grass like I just literally feel so much better. So, number one, I go outside, in the sun, the sun supercharges me. I feel like Superman. I lay on the grass my energy, something I do on a regular basis. I've really got into barefoot shoes recently. I wear them.
Fiona Kane:Ah great, basis. I've really got into barefoot shoes recently. I wear them. Ah great. There is a lot of evidence for anything to do with grounding, so that whole sort of you know, standing on the earth, hugging a tree, laying on the ground, whatever. Uh, and there's something I saw in the other day now I can't remember what it was, but it was, it was. There's very there's significant evidence for it. It's actually not just it might sound woo woo, there's actually there is significant evidence for it. It's actually not just it might sound woo-woo.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, there's actually there is real evidence for this stuff I know, and you can literally feel it, I, I, when I went on my hikes a couple of weeks ago, I like it was severe tax on energy and, um, I pulled all my resources and all my tools out, I patched, I put my energy patches on which I've got on today, because I've got quite a bit on today and I remember coming across this really big tree and I just stopped and I went wow, because I love trees, I love huge trees. See, I was looking up and I remember looking up at this tree and going, wow, you've been around for a long time, you've seen a lot of stuff. And I said is it okay if I give you a hug, like I like to ask trees permission? I know that sounds woo-woo. And the tree said yes. So I had a hug and and I said is it okay if I borrow some of your energy? Would that be okay?
Karina Hogan:so I literally hug and I did a recharge, which was great because I still had a long way to go, and then, on the way back, I gave back. I had the same tree, but I gave back. You know like I can do a bit of Reiki. I'm into Reiki, yeah, and it was really nice to be able to give back. I haven't done that before, so that was really cool, yeah, yeah.
Karina Hogan:So another piece in the puzzle is ground your energy. You know like go outside defrag. You know it's like one of the things I had to do for the call today was turn off my computer, shut all the tabs. You know I didn't do a defrag, but I did a dump, I did a cold boot, as they say in computer talk. Yes, yeah, so, yeah. So where did I get to? I got to 2019. I got to do the Smart Body, smart Mind. Oh, and then talk about listening to your gut. I still hadn't got to a stage where I could maintain my wellness for over 12 months without relapsing in some way.
Karina Hogan:I was playing in Facebook one day and I saw this little reel from this amazing chick who, um, she said something about a cocoa pulse test. I don't know if you've heard of them, whether you use them, but it was like how to get your body feedback from your body about is this food okay for you or do you have a reaction to this food? And this little reel that I saw on another friend's story or whatever it was, I went, oh, that's interesting, I need to talk to her. So I stalked her on Facebook and she was a functional nutritionist. And now I don't know how that differs from what you do, fi, but we just Probably not that different, but yeah, yeah we just connected and I became a client of hers and now she's like one of my best mates on the planet.
Karina Hogan:We're doing a business venture together which is absolute fun to play with. But she educated me on the how to nourish my body, which is what my body needed. So it was another huge piece of the puzzle, so much so now that I can go to the fridge and I'll go. What do you need? Body, and I'll actually get. You need healthy fats, and I actually know what that is. So I got educated from Sal. You know it's like okay, so get yourself some avo or slap some butter on that. Or, you know, use a whole heap of olive oil. Or I need some macros, okay, so what you know know percentage does my body need of that? Okay, and I need, might need a big. So I'm a um, I say a meatitarian, but you know I eat meat, so I'm not vegan or anything like that. Um, and I just listen to how my body reacts or responds to that. I know if I have a lot of dairy anything other than butter I'll just get mucusy the next day.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, yeah, I'm the same with dairy and I need meat. It grounds me. Oh right, there's a clue of what I need to have for dinner. You're going to need it. Run from the bear.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, and it's really interesting. Like I've got a friend who's full-on vegetarian and you know she's like, she's fit, she's a fit woman, like she's in her 60s, she's a yoga teacher, she's art, she's fun. She's one of my cold dipping friends. We're actually going for a walk this afternoon instead of cold dipping. Yeah, so another piece of the puzzle was that get the educated about the different food groups and how to do that and what I loved about so Sally Ann Kearns was her name and what I loved about, what I learned with her. It was the knowledge about, like how to plate up and how to nourish your body with food, but also the really important part of sit down and eat. Karina, I still hear her in my head. She's one of the people that live in my head. It's like sit down and eat. Do not read, do not watch telly, do not watch the news.
Karina Hogan:No, I don't watch the news and I go outside as much as I can. When we live in a I don't know what you call this place, but it's southern Victoria and it gets quite chilly. But I'll sit outside. I'll still sit outside on our nice covered in area and eat and just chill. You know, I'll often just sit on the grass and eat on the grass. I ground my energy and take the time and express gratitude before I eat it, so I just get my digestion into that. So you probably understand more about that. But just get my digestion into that. So you probably understand more about that. But just get my.
Fiona Kane:So that's rest and digest mode. So instead of being in fight or flight mode. We need to be in rest and digest mode. And rest and digest mode, then you get the circulation goes to your digestive system so you can make the digestive enzymes, so then you can actually digest the food, absorb the nutrients and the calories you need and everything goes where it should go, rather than sit there and start coming back up again an hour later and you know all that sort of stuff, or sit in your office.
Karina Hogan:Don't do that.
Karina Hogan:People Don't sit in front of the telly, don't sit reading the paper while you're doing it, because I used to be a big reader when I used to eat, but you can have like reactions and emotional responses to reading the newspaper while you're sitting there if you don't, and that that'll take you out of rest digest so you then you're not getting the nutrients from your food.
Karina Hogan:And what I noticed with that was when I did that, when I sat and I ate and I let my body rest in, like drop into that rest digest state, I actually didn't. I was number one more present when I was eating and I actually didn't have to eat as much, because Sal taught me to listen to my body, like what my body's full signal was and just that as you eat and you talk and you take your time doing it, I'll get a burp that comes up and that's the last bit of air escaping, you know, and I'll just get that. Okay, I'm done. And like I did that before when I was eating my lunch, I was like I still had food left on my plate but I went no, actually I'm done, and I just left it and that was another piece of actually learning to listen to my body because I grew up.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, there's a difference between satisfied, full and bursting and most of us, because we eat, unconsciously we go to full or bursting, and I grew up it's probably the same as you I grew up with. You have to eat everything on your plate.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, that's it, because my mum and dad grew up in a depression.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, and there was lack, you know, yes, and I remember after I was married and I was plating up and I was eating, you know, when I was serving our own, like my hubby's meals, and I remember eating and getting to the point where I had that epiphany of actually I don't have to finish what's on my plate because I'm actually full, and that was huge. And when I realized that I actually began to shift weight, which was really interesting because I started once again hooking into listening to my body. So I did that. But the final, like the last piece, like I've been learning yoga, I've been doing yoga and stuff like that but one thing I actually really want to bring to people's attention because it has been a massive piece of now I learnt the words for this it's foundational priority, foundational healing priority. What's that three thing? What's that called?
Fiona Kane:I don't know. I just talk about the foundational medicine or foundational body needs or whatever I don't know.
Karina Hogan:Okay, so sal talks about it and she'll be um, so your body will actually um heal north to south, so wherever your body needs the most healing, it will start there. So when you start on a new thing, you mightn't think you're making any progress because you don't see anything but your body's prioritizing the foundations for healing first. So often people give up too soon, so they'll start something and then they go oh, this isn't working. But they haven't actually stayed with it long enough because their body is actually doing all this unseen stuff.
Karina Hogan:And was it last year, march last year, sal introduced me to. I'm going to show you what this is. So these little patches and they're actually a very sophisticated piece of technology that is patented They've been designed and you stick them on your body. So it's got sticky on it and I've got one on my arm today, and they're actually stem cell reactivation patches. So they actually use your body's own infrared light that we emit to reflect. So each living thing emits infrared light and hence why, when people put on night vision glasses, they actually see. You know, the little blue images, the little red images and stuff like that. So how these patches work is they have a painted crystalline structure and they have different types. This one is their flagship, which is called X39. And it actually reflects the crystals, reflect the light back into your body, hits your skin cells, sends a message to your brain and does all sorts of science-y stuff that I'm not really that up with, because to me details don't matter, it's the results that matter for me.
Karina Hogan:And since I've been wearing them, what I have noticed is that foundational priority of healing happened in my body. I just noticed, bit by bit by bit, changes in my body. I noticed that I wasn't as tired as what I normally was. I was sleeping, I I was starting to sleep, you know so much better because I was actually having a lot of menopause and post-menopause symptoms. I didn't have the energy to keep up with the grandkids. I was waking up like three or four times a night to pee and gradually that went down to like two nights, you know, two times a night, down to one night over a period of time.
Karina Hogan:And they recommend that you wear them for depending on how long you've been on the planet. For every 10 years you've been on the planet, you wear them for a month till all your stem cells are actually reactivated. Because by age 30, 50% of our stem cells are actually dormant. By age 60, and I'm 59, if you remember then only about 10% of your stem cells are actually active. And the beauty of the stem cells is they actually become whatever cell, like they're the hero cells in the body. So whatever, if you need a gut cell repaired, they'll do they become that. If you need a brain cell, a skin, do they become that. If you need a brain cell, a skin cell, a muscle cell, a nerve cell, they're the regenerative parts of your body. So pretty important and hence why we age. And so when she introduced me to these talk about big piece of the puzzle, come on board.
Karina Hogan:I have not had one flare up, one issue around my gut. I have been able to sustain my wellness and I can actually even eat gluten now. I don't do gluten because I get a whole lot of symptoms that go off in my body. But if I'm glutened by accident or even on purpose because sometimes I do that just to test to see what my body does I'm actually okay and before I would have a full up flare, you know diarrhea, all sorts of stuff going on my eyes get sensitive to light. I feel like I'm like walking through porridge. That stuff just doesn't even happen anymore.
Karina Hogan:I've cut myself with a knife like I was chopping up stuff the other day and seriously I hacked through my fingernail. I haven't done that in years. I was using a global knife, so a chef's knife, and I sliced through my finger and my nail and within a week, seriously, it had healed. So we're like three weeks in and you can't even tell that I did it. I don't know if you know about cuts, but a knife cut is actually worse than a scrape or a scratch, because it's clean edges and they're harder to heal. So I've had amazing results. So if people are interested in that, I'm more than happy to hook them up with that. So, and we talk about pieces of the puzzles and strategies. It's yoga, it's eating. You know well, I don't drink much anymore at all because I found out how bad that was for your body. I never used to drink that much anyway, but I do like an occasional espresso martini. If you want to shout me next time we're together, fee, I stopped drinking 30 years ago.
Fiona Kane:Hey, yeah, I stopped drinking 30 years ago. My body stopped me. That was a big. My body stopped me. My body said no more, I would go from. I went from being a big drinker to being one drink would make me violently ill within about 20 minutes and I'd be violently ill for three days.
Karina Hogan:Wow, that's a big brick, isn't it? It is yes.
Fiona Kane:Yes, I always joke and say it was like my guardian angel came and smacked me upside the head and said stop it because, I wasn't drinking in a healthy way, by any means either.
Karina Hogan:So, it's good that nobody stopped me yeah, maybe that was it, Because people say oh, you're so well you stopped, you know.
Fiona Kane:you're so like, how did you do it? And I'm like it wasn't that Don't do it, don't do it. Don't do it Because, after having that experience twice, I didn't want to do that again. So I was like, okay, it wasn't really a choice, so it was good. My body didn't give me a choice. It just said you're not doing that, we're not doing that.
Karina Hogan:Stop it. It can so relate. And it was that like if I had one at lunchtime I was okay, but if I had a drink around about 5 o'clock or something like that, I'd wake up at like 2 o'clock in the morning and then I saw where the pattern was and I went oh, that's a little bit, that's not working for me. So I just stopped because it wasn't that big of a deal.
Fiona Kane:People don't realize that with alcohol it might put you to sleep, but it actually does wake you up a few hours later.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, because your body's trying to detox it, because that's what it does.
Fiona Kane:Yeah, it's when your liver's doing all this detoxification.
Karina Hogan:So many pieces of the puzzle. The body is amazing. It has that wisdom or that internal ski guide, if you may? Yeah, and you know like the payoff for listening. You know the benefits of listening to your body are huge.
Fiona Kane:You know, we have this innate guidance system.
Karina Hogan:That's there. It gives us red flags. Sometimes we don't listen, and there's consequences for that, but it is easy to get back on track. So don't listen, um, and there's consequences for that, but it is easy to get back on track. So don't give up, folks. If you're you know, you've tried a lot of things and you think, oh yeah, that'll work for karina, but it won't work for me, then yes, what if it did? What if it did work for you? What if one of the things I spoke about was another piece to your healing journey puzzle?
Fiona Kane:and um, to me that's the thing, those puzzle parts you never know which is the and that's the thing. Those puzzle parts you never know which is the part that's just going to connect with all the other parts, and it's just going to. Sometimes the parts have all been put in but they're not really connected to each other yet.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, that's right, and you've got to do that last step and they connect and you've got to sort out, you know, the pieces of the puzzle to make the jigsaw. It's really interesting because some of the patches it's really interesting with these. Some people put one patch on and they get like they feel instant stuff, and then others like me and I call myself the drip feed. It took me months and months and months to, you know, feel the benefit.
Karina Hogan:But I also knew that I had to patch consistently for six months to activate. So my body was doing that whole financial stuff sorry, foundational priority of healing. So it was probably healing a lot of gut stuff.
Fiona Kane:I'd had old injuries of you know, like frozen shoulder and neck issues and that's the thing we need to remember that it took us often a long time to get to where we are now. You know you start taking a supplement or you start doing something and it doesn't work. In five minutes You're like, oh, it doesn't work, so give your body a little bit of time.
Karina Hogan:And part of, I think part of traditional medicine is to blame there, because people, if they get on a script and they, you know they start taking a script. If they don't get a result in a day, they don't go. Oh, oh, it didn't work so I'm not going to take it anymore. You've got to take it for at least three months sometime to see some results. And if you start doing yoga in the morning to ground your energy and to get the flexibility and the energy and stuff in your body, you're not going to get the results overnight, people, but you do it consistently. I've been doing it now consistently for two years and wow, it's amazing.
Fiona Kane:What was that TV commercial? It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. Yeah, that the TV commercial for shampoo two or 30 years ago.
Karina Hogan:Yeah, yeah, Rachel Hunter I think.
Fiona Kane:Anyway, look, I'm super aware of time. We've gone way over time because you and I can talk a lot, and the only person I've met who can talk more than me, I think, might be you. We both talk a lot, which is great. There's always so much to talk about. But we do need to wind it up because I'm aware we've both got other things to do this afternoon. But, look, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today. I've really enjoyed having you on thank you for having me fee.
Fiona Kane:It's been a pleasure and I'll put details in the show notes of how people can contact you. Is there any particular way or are you just happy for me to put your details there? What would you like to tell my details?
Karina Hogan:I'm more than happy to. I love a chat and I love connecting. I love to hear people's. So if people just want to hit me up with a text message, I'm more than happy for you to put my mobile there. They can send me an email. I am on Facebook, you know, whatever works for you. So I'm pretty flexible and, you know, working three days a week, I will get back to you eventually.
Fiona Kane:And thank you so much for giving your time, but also just by sharing so openly about your experience and by the strategies that you used, and really you know what it comes back to is uh, you know, listening to your body, learning how to tune in, learning how to listen to your body, because there's a lot of wisdom there.
Karina Hogan:Thanks, Faye.
Fiona Kane:Well, thank you and look, thanks for everybody who's watching and listening. Please like, subscribe and share, and, if you can go into iTunes or Spotify or wherever, and also rate and review, I would really appreciate that. The point of this podcast is to have real conversations about things that matter. So, thank you so much for this week and I'll talk to you all again next week. Thank you, bye bye.