The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane
Real Conversations about things that Matter
All things life and health - physical health, nutrition, mindset, mental health, connection plus society and culture with Fiona Kane, experienced and qualified Nutritionist, Holistic Counsellor and Mind Body Eating Coach
Frank discussions about how to achieve physical and mental well being.
I talk about all things wellness including nutrition, exercise, physical and mental health, relationships, connections, grief, success and failure and much more.
Some episodes are my expertise as a nutritionist and holistic counsellor and some are me chatting to other experts or people with interesting health or life stories. My goal is to give you practical and useful info to improve your health and tidbits that you may find inspiring and that may start discussions within your circle of friend/family.
The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane
Episode 91 Merry Christmas and Tips for Staying Healthy in the Silly Season
Merry Christmas everyone, Fiona's Christmas message and some tips to stay healthy over the silly season!
Learn more about booking a nutrition consultation with Fiona: https://informedhealth.com.au/
Learn more about Fiona's speaking and media services: https://fionakane.com.au/
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Credit for the music used in this podcast:
The Beat of Nature
Hello and welcome to the Wellness Connection Podcast. I'm your host, Fiona Kane. Merry Christmas. Today is Christmas Day, so I'm just popping in for a short while just to say I hope you're having a lovely Christmas.
Fiona Kane:Now I know for many people, christmas is really challenging. I know, since my mum passed three years ago, I found Christmas to be very challenging. Since my mum passed three years ago, I found Christmas to be very challenging, and so I know that many people find it challenging as well. So I just wanted to say I'm thinking of everybody the people who are having a joyous time, the people who are in grief, people who have strained relationships with family, all of those things. It's all true on Christmas Day, because we're human beings and human beings are messy creatures. So, sending love to you all, and I really do hope that you find some purpose or some meaning or someone to connect with, whatever that looks like for you today. But, like I said, though, merry Christmas, or I hope you have the best possible Christmas in your situation.
Fiona Kane:Now there's just a couple of extra things I wanted to include today in regards to celebrating Christmas and how we feel about ourselves when we overindulge. Look, it's really, really common to overindulge at Christmas time. That's okay. You're human, you're allowed to. I would just say a couple of things. One sometimes it's a good idea to plan. So if you know what you're going to have that you really love whether Christmas cake or the pavlova or whatever your tradition is maybe just plan to do it, really enjoy it, you know, have some joy in it, right, really enjoy it, and then just move on.
Fiona Kane:What people do, though, what people commonly do, is say it's the whole, I'm on track, or I'm off track, or you know I've failed, or whatever it is. So it's like, if you have the thing, or if you have a day, a couple of days, where you binge a lot on food or whatever it is whatever you perceive to be the thing that you've done wrong, then we shame ourselves about it, then we go back and forward and round and round in circles and then we say, well, I've already gone off track, so I may as well just keep sabotaging myself and eating the things or whatever it is, and it's just a silly way to go about it, right? So it is what it is, you did what you did, or you're eating what you're eating, whatever. Just move on, but just make it only ever about your next choice, right? And the other thing, too, is you don't have to be on track or off track. I've talked about this a few times before on this podcast.
Fiona Kane:It's only about your next choice. So just make a better choice next time. So have your pavlova, have your thing, do your thing, have your bad day or whatever it is. Just be human, that's fine.
Fiona Kane:And then, but you don't have to throw out all of your good habits at Christmas time so you can still go for a walk. You know, you could still go to the gym Some I think some gyms are open on Christmas, or the 24-hour ones would be. Or, if you're staying away somewhere, go for a walk on the beach, or whatever it is. You can still make sure that you have protein with your next meal. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. So have a salad, have a bit of fruit, whatever it is. So it's only about your next choice. And next choice just make a more nourishing choice.
Fiona Kane:And, generally speaking, if you aim to make choices that are nourishing to you, then most of the time you make the better choice and sometimes you don't, and in the end, swings and roundabouts, it all adds up and it's usually fine. So just be gentle with yourself this Christmas. Enjoy your treats, enjoy your indulgences, but also enjoy how you feel when you're drinking enough water and you're getting enough sleep and you're moving your body and eating protein and all of that. So just we tend to, if we don't get in our head around it, we tend to kind of just naturally swing back into what is a healthy way of being, but what happens is we get in our way about it. We tend to kind of just naturally swing back into what is a healthy way of being, but what happens is we get in our way about it. We get in our heads about it and we decide that we have to make a big deal out of it or we sort of trash ourselves because we've already stuffed up. So we may as well keep trying All that head stuff right. Forget all that, just enjoy yourself and know that you'll naturally swing back into healthy habits. That will support you very quickly, especially if you're just really really present and listening to your body.
Fiona Kane:If that's something you have a challenge with, then book in a consultation with me for the new year and we can work on that with you, and that's at informedhealthcomau. Look, I hope you really do have a lovely Christmas and I hope that you are kind to yourself on Christmas and just enjoy the things that you enjoy and just move on. It's fine. Just remember it's only ever about your next choice and you can make some really good choices really really soon. So, look, I will leave it at that for you now, just so you can go off and enjoy your Christmas.
Fiona Kane:Thank you for and the other thing I wanted to do is to say thank you for your support this year the people who watch and listen to this podcast. It's growing little by little, but it is growing and I really really appreciate your support. And the Wellness Connection is a podcast with real conversations about things that matter and I really hope that you're enjoying it and please, over Christmas time, maybe share some episodes with your friends and family. Hope you have a lovely Christmas. It's safe, lovely, happy Christmas and I will see you in the new year. Thanks, bye.