The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane
Real Conversations about things that Matter
All things life and health - physical health, nutrition, mindset, mental health, connection plus society and culture with Fiona Kane, experienced and qualified Nutritionist, Holistic Counsellor and Mind Body Eating Coach
Frank discussions about how to achieve physical and mental well being.
I talk about all things wellness including nutrition, exercise, physical and mental health, relationships, connections, grief, success and failure and much more.
Some episodes are my expertise as a nutritionist and holistic counsellor and some are me chatting to other experts or people with interesting health or life stories. My goal is to give you practical and useful info to improve your health and tidbits that you may find inspiring and that may start discussions within your circle of friend/family.
The Wellness Connection with Fiona Kane
Episode 92 Happy New Year! Cultivating a Healthier Mindset for 2025
A Happy New Year message from Fiona combined with some tips on mindset strategies to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2025.
Learn more about booking a nutrition consultation with Fiona: https://informedhealth.com.au/
Learn more about Fiona's speaking and media services: https://fionakane.com.au/
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Credit for the music used in this podcast:
The Beat of Nature
Hello and welcome to the Wellness Connection Podcast. I'm your host, fiona Cain. Happy New Year. So this is my first podcast for 2025 and it's New Year's Day Again. It's going to be another short and sweet one.
Speaker 1:Today it's sort of holiday time and people are busy doing their holiday thing and you've got over 90 episodes to go back and listen to of the podcast, which I'm sure you'll really enjoy. But I did want to check in about a few things today that come up for people that are really sort of commonly seen. One of them is that sometimes we start the new year in regards to health goals and things like that, we start the new year kind of with hang-ups or guilt or shame around what we did or didn't achieve last year or up until now or whatever it is, and so one of the things I'm going to really recommend in having a good year this year is to let go of and forgive yourself for whatever you did or didn't do before now. You're really going to start with a clean slate. If you don't start with a clean slate, things aren't going to go well, because you're just going to get caught in the head stuff like I talked about last week Human beings we just tend to get caught up in a lot of head stuff. We get caught up so much going around and around in our head that we miss the point and we slow ourselves down and sabotage ourselves because we're going around and around in circles in our head. So, start with a fresh slate. Forgive yourself for what you did or didn't do.
Speaker 1:You know, my year went off track as well the last couple of months of 2024, because I had a relative have a sudden illness, a sudden, very severe illness, and so I pretty much the last sort of six to seven weeks of 2024 were a write-off for me in my business and in my own personal life. I was focused on helping this other person and, look, that's fine, that's part of life. And I bet, yeah, a lot of things throughout the year for me I felt like I, you know, I wanted to get this done or get that done or whatever, and there's a lot that just didn't happen. It just wasn't meant to be. That's okay. So sometimes we're just going to be okay with, um, fresh slate starting again. Forgive yourself for what you did or didn't, do you know, move on. And um, look the next thing, too, that I talk to my clients a lot about in regards to having goals like, especially goals around health and well-being, is get rid of perfectionism, because a lot of people say, oh, I'm a perfectionist.
Speaker 1:And the thing about being a perfectionist is that it really is very convenient, because perfectionism is your get out of jail free card. Because you're human, so you won't do it perfect and no one can. So eventually one day you're going to stuff up or mess up or whatever the language you want to use around it and there's your excuse to quit already. So you've got your excuse in the bag already Get out of jail free card. Why even begin, right? So why even begin if you've already got you'd get out of jail free card this? So forget perfection.
Speaker 1:How about just focus on the fact that you're human and you're not going to do it perfectly, but you know the whole 80 20 rule that if you do it well, most of the time you will succeed or have some level of success, right? Rather than if you get started, then perceive that you failed and then, you know, fall off your perch, whatever. You know the whole like uh, what do I? I've talked about before a million times in regards to being on or off track. There's no track, but we perceive this track in our mind and once we perceive we're off it. It's a terrible thing, we failed, we feel bad about ourselves. How about forget the track and just focus on, you know, the next choice and the next choice and the next choice, and if, overwhelmingly, we make choices that are nourishing, that will support us and support our goals. But if we do the on or off track thing, it's getting back in our head again and you get it back in your head and goes around and around in circles and you just don't achieve anything, right.
Speaker 1:So the problem with just doing the on-off tracking getting back in your head, all of that is it's just, you know, it's Groundhog Day, right, and it's you know what was the Einstein definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. But that's what we do, right? We get started, we perceive we failed, we hate on ourselves for failing, we quit because why bother? Because we can't do it perfectly, and it goes around and around and around again, right? So, in that, I don't know about you. Well, I do know, I talk to enough people about it and I've experienced it myself. It's exhausting.
Speaker 1:So, you know, just start. You're not going to do it perfectly, you're just going to do it and you're going to focus on just the next choice, next choice, next choice. And if you stay present and you stay connected to your body and you notice how you're feeling and you're listening to your body most of the time, you will make nourishing choices. So you know, focus on staying present, making nourishing choices and focusing on the next choice, rather than perseverating on what you did or didn't do, or should do or should have done or all of that carry on which doesn't help you. You know also, you know plan to succeed.
Speaker 1:So you know, obviously, just basic, sensible things like don't have foods in your house that are not a good idea for you to have. Or, if you do, maybe there's a way that you can. I know that for me sometimes, if I have food in my house that I don't want to eat at that time, what I might do is I might put it in a container or hide it somewhere. Just put it somewhere where I don't see it all the time, right, and if I don't see it every time I open up the fridge or every time I open up the pantry, sometimes I can do it that way. So I know some of you might have other people in your home or kids or whatever, and you can't control the food that's in your house completely, or, if you can control it, don't have it there, right?
Speaker 1:But just plan how you're going to do it and plan what you're going to do and be okay with the fact that you're not going to do it perfectly, but you are going to do it, because that just means you just get in there and you just keep going every day, right? Whereas if you're only going to do it perfectly, you've got a way out already, right? So just be aware that a lot of what we do is we get in our head and we sabotage ourselves and a lot of our language that we use around. What we do and don't do really is sabotaging and unhelpful. And you know what we do is and we can all list a bit of many things that we haven't done but to ask someone anything good about themselves, anything they have done, they often find it really hard to tell you that because we're so focused on our failures or perceived failures, what we think we haven't done or haven't achieved, or all of those things. So, um, I just wanted to pop in and just remind you of those things. Start with a clean slate, focus on the next thing, forget being on or off track. How about just having a go and planning to nourish yourself, staying present with your body to help you, to support you, be able to do that, and if you need my support around that in the new year, well, it is the new year. Now informedhealthcomau, you can book an appointment an online appointment or in person if you're in Sydney and can get to the Hawkesbury area of Sydney. So, anyway, I really do wish you a happy and healthy new year. I invite you to notice the language you use around health, around yourself and around food, and start to slowly change that. And again, that's the sort of thing I work on with my clients. So if that's the sort of thing that you need help with, then come and see me.
Speaker 1:The Wellness Connection podcast I'm going to keep it going this year. I had a challenging year I mentioned at the end of last year, with all just things going out the window for me. But I'm keeping this going and I'm working really hard to make sure something comes out every week, even if it's just short and sweet. But the wellness connection is about having real conversations about things that matter, and I'm going to keep doing that this year and looking for more and more interesting guests and topics and things like that. So I'm looking forward to having your company throughout the year and I really do appreciate your support.
Speaker 1:Please like, subscribe and share, and even comment if you're in. Well, actually, you can sort of send me a message through various ways. If you have a look at wherever you're listening to it, so if you're YouTube or Rumble, you can just reply to a post. Have a look at wherever you're listening to it, so if you're YouTube or Rumble, you can just reply to a post. But I think on Buzzsprout, you can also send me a message there as well. Anyway, I hope that you have a great new year and if you've woken up feeling worse for wear today, it's New Year's Day because you haven't been looking after yourself, that's okay. It's only ever about your next choice Go and drink some water and make sure you move your body today and have some protein to ground yourself and just focus on nourishing yourself. So I hope you have a wonderful week and I've got a great guest next week so you really enjoy that episode. So our guest episode coming back next week, and I will talk to you all again soon. Thank you, bye-bye.